Monday, October 02, 2006


Recipe for Fun:

- Take one Go Cart

- Add one or more boys
- Position at top of a hill

- Place one boy in Cart

- Give a good push
- Repeat these steps over and over for fun,fun,fun!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Beavers chew and add to my VIEW

Over the past few days a beaver in Fairly Lake has gnawed through a couple of trees on the shores. Well some may mourn the loss of a couple of tress, I have to admit it this beaver's instinct for chewing has added to the view of the Lake and Swinging Bridge. You see, I have watched as cars slowing drive around the Lake trying to catch a glimpse of our town's landmarks but obviously frustrated because the view was obstructed by trees. But the beaver has fixed all that, as an added bonus (for us) we have a beter view from our veranda now :).

ART show and sale coming soon

The Ellisboro Artisans will be holding a sale in the Town Hall/Opera House on October 20th and 21st. At last year's sale we purchased a several wonderful paintings by Kit Taylor and Isabel Taylor. We anticipate adding to our growing collection of local original art this year.

Poplar trees BRILLIANT

For some reason the poplar trees this year are absolutley brilliant. My Dad has a wonderful stand in his coulee and since most other trees have lost their leaves the poplars are truly stunning.

Bald EAGLE by Wolseley

Bald Eagles have frequently seen around Wolseley for the past few years. These magnificant birds are truly amazing. I saw this one close to Rodney Chatterson's place last week.