Sunday, October 01, 2006

Beavers chew and add to my VIEW

Over the past few days a beaver in Fairly Lake has gnawed through a couple of trees on the shores. Well some may mourn the loss of a couple of tress, I have to admit it this beaver's instinct for chewing has added to the view of the Lake and Swinging Bridge. You see, I have watched as cars slowing drive around the Lake trying to catch a glimpse of our town's landmarks but obviously frustrated because the view was obstructed by trees. But the beaver has fixed all that, as an added bonus (for us) we have a beter view from our veranda now :).


Anonymous said...

Just dropped by the blog to see a bit of Wolseley news. It's nice to see the photos of things in and around Wolseley. Even though we live in Regina, we haven't made the day trip in several years.

My grandmother Elsie Curtis was born in Wolseley in 1903, before the family moved to Regina and then Winnipeg. So I have a soft spot for your town!

Anonymous said...

can you update the site. i tried to get to Carla's blog from your link but there is little there. does she have a myspace site?