Monday, October 02, 2006


Recipe for Fun:

- Take one Go Cart

- Add one or more boys
- Position at top of a hill

- Place one boy in Cart

- Give a good push
- Repeat these steps over and over for fun,fun,fun!


Anonymous said...

okay the go carting looks fantastic. i think you could add this to your 'unique things to do in Wolseley' list. i know my kids would be pestering me to make a trip out if crazy go carting like this was available. i've just returned from a few days away - we went to a town much like Wolseley and it was packed with tourists. you guys are sitting on a gold mine in that quaint Canadian town. let's all get our heads together and put Wolseley on the map. i'm in!!!! Anyone else out there want to join in, we don't have to be sitting in Wolseley to make it happen - the town holds a piece of our heart so let's use email and put some legs to our thoughts.
Thanks Robert for making a difference.

Anonymous said...

hey do you know if Kevin Linnell is online and if so what's his address?

Anonymous said...

so what's up aren't you supposed to be updating us on things happening in Wolseley? I heard there was an election and a new mayor was appointed - I'm sure you have something to say on that subject - I know the Snow Plow would. Come on man we want action!!!! Get moving and keep this site updated!!

Wolseley Online said...

Done!Thanks for the comments!

Anonymous said...

excellent. i check this site out everyday and it's nice to see something new. by the way your photos are fantastic.
thanks for sharing. see you tomorrow