Saturday, June 03, 2006

Wolseley - as FRIENDLY as it is Pretty!

Wolseley displayed it's friendliness in full force last night. At 5:30 my Mum was running errands when she met two young girls from Quebec who were looking for a restaurant in downtown Wolseley. Mum told them about the Canada Cafe, and in the course of the conversation she discovered they were also looking for a place to camp away from the highway. My Mum told them she was certain they could camp in our, (Carla and my) big yard. The girls said they may stop by, and headed off to eat at the Cafe.

Later, I was visiting with my sister Katherine on our veranda. Around the corner from the Home came those girls with Dwight and Madeline Dunn. Madeline was conversing in French, but one girls English was good (better than my French) so we chatted for a while on the street. The girls (Anne Marie and Claudia) told me they had decided to camp in our yard.

The girls experienced another act of friendliness while dining at the cafe. Apparently, Wolseley resident befriended them and offered to buy their dinner! And a little later, I was helping them choose a spot in my yard to pitch their tent. In no time, they got the tent set up. Then, at Dwight and Madeline's invitation, headed off on their bikes to the Dunn's for a shower.

This morning, my wife invited the girls into the house to freshen up. We had a coffee and shared a few stories with them before they hit the road.

Their goal for this evening was getting to Moose Jaw. The final destination is B.C. where they'll pick fruit for the summer. So if you are headed down the #1 highway and you see a couple of young girls on bikes, it just may be the newest friends of Wolseley, Anne Marie and Claudia!

Wolseley Focus for TOURISM Awareness week

At 11:30 on June 8th the Wolseley Town Hall / Opera House will be front and center during Tourism Awareness week in this area.
A program at noon will feature a BBQ to support the Wolseley Museum followed by a tour of the Original Beaver Lumber office.
So come on out enjoy a burger and learn a bit more about tourism in our area.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Summer FUN is on the Way

Did you attend the Homecoming last year? I did and it was great! And this August long weekend there will be some of the same type of events as last year. Lynn Keating infoms me that a committee of hardworking folks are putting together a program that sounds like it is going to be another FUN time.
I'll have more information coming over the next several weeks.

The Baran FAMILY album

My wife Carla and I were walking home from a dinner out at the Banbury House tonight. As we strolled along Front street we could not help but notice that the Baran children had been drawing chalk art on the sidewalk.

Their drawings were so cute I knew I had to share them with all the readers of this blog.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Road Scenes - Oh DEER

I traveled to Balcarres yesterday afternoon. And given that I am a scenic route kind of guy, I went through the Qu'Appelle valley. As I rounded a corner on the coulee road I was heading up I came face to face with a Mule deer doe. I grabbed my camera and got this shot as she sauntered up the hill.
On the way back, taking another scenic route, I saw a brilliant Bluebird about 50 yards north of the Ellisboro bridge.
I suppose that seeing these animals confirmed why I take the roads less traveled.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Spring RAIN

The rain clouds in the distance soon let loose with deluge of rain as I was out for my evening walk. It happened about 10 minutes after I took this photo of the coulee behind our house. I was on my cell phone with my cousin at the time and I told him I felt like one of those reporters on TV broadcasting from some awesome storm center.
And wouldn't you know it, 10 minutes later the sun was shining!


At the risk of appearing to be TOO into flowers, I've must say that LILACS have got to be one of the nicest flowers around. This time of year Wolseley is filled with the beautiful scented bushes.
The other night I went for a walk and the entire way I enjoyed the LILAC fragrance. When I got home I set my computer up on the dining room table to do a little work and to my delight my wife had set a bouquet of Lilacs on the table. Such a simple but awesome pleasure.