Monday, May 29, 2006

Spring RAIN

The rain clouds in the distance soon let loose with deluge of rain as I was out for my evening walk. It happened about 10 minutes after I took this photo of the coulee behind our house. I was on my cell phone with my cousin at the time and I told him I felt like one of those reporters on TV broadcasting from some awesome storm center.
And wouldn't you know it, 10 minutes later the sun was shining!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sending the update. I enjoy reading it and ofcourse looking at new pictures of Wolseley.

Anonymous said...

Is that photo from inside a town? It looks more like a park to me.

Anonymous said...

I was out driving this afternoon and wow, there wee thunderstorms and lighting everywhere. Big black clouds on the horizon and a crackling radio station make for a speedy trip off the gravel in search of pavement.