Sunday, August 20, 2006

Circle Square Ranch a BLESSING

Circle Square Ranch is located on the former Norman Duncan farm south of Wolseley. Established by Norm Bonk 20 years ago the facility has hosted hundreds of children over the years.
Today we made the short trip out to the ranch to take our son Thomas for his first camp adventure. He was excited! We were greeted by Camp Director Robin Exner astride an impressive black gelding who Robin said Brooke Mercer had loaned the ranch.

Thomas had no fear of loneliness as friend and classmate Randy Paulgaard is there, as are other Dr. Isman students Kaley Mercer and relative Danielle Tubman. Also a number of staff attend church with us in Regina.

Having a camp of this of prominence in our backyard is truly a blessing to families from all over Saskatchewan, and of course the community of Wolseley.

Wolseley HERITAGE Foundation Annual meeting

Saturday evening the Wolseley Heritage Foundation held an Annual General Meeting on the beautiful treed grounds of Wolseley's historic North West Territories Courthouse. David Forsyth guided attendees on a tour of the recently cleaned out and spruced up Courthouse. Special thanks go to Cory Johnstone for his work on the building.

People at the meeting agreed that Heritage Foundation should begin determining an appropriate approach and project that will ensure this building remains an integral part of the community.

Completed in 1895 the building was the Courthouse for the North West Territories until 1909. It then became a jail and barracks for the North West Mounted Police until 1915. Then it was turned into a Detention Home for boys and finally in 1921 formed the original Home for the Infirm (now Lakeside Home). Now vacant, this well maintained historic building is prime for renovation and revitalization.

By-the-way, the meeting had a wonderful blend citizens. Shirley Harris was the chair, Eleanor Dahlman was secretary, Mrs. Lillian Christensen at 90 years old stayed for the entire meeting, and Cheryl Kai (Chatterson) who like me, has recently returned to Wolseley was an interested participant. Others in attendance were, Boyd and Kit Taylor, Margaret Hryniuk, Ruth Banbury, Olga Greening, Rick Dahlman, Dennis Fjestad, Graham and Isabel Taylor, Mr. Fathers and Denise Ketchison and David Forsyth.