Saturday, September 23, 2006

Motorcycle THING-A-MA-JIG

A couple of days ago I got a message on my phone from my Aunt Myrna Tubman. Her message stated that she'd seen an interesting thing-a-ma-jig at Weird Willies General Store. When I arrived to get a couple of photos Chad and Karen Souchotte's boys Nolan, Dustin and Ryan were admiring what turned out to be a very fancy sidecar for a motorcycle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My son, wife and infant son were through Wolseley last Sunday at about Noon - Sunday - June 8th - and stopped at Weird Willie's to get drinks and take the baby out to feed him, etc. While there it is possible that a bag was taken out to remove the infant car seat (was perhaps even left on the roof of the car and fell off as they drove away?!) and left outside the store as when they later arrived in Saskatoon, the bag was not there. We have called Weird Willie's to inquire and had no luck but wanted to pursue the chance that someone may have turned it into the police. The bag contained some quite valuable items - foremost a custom made leg brace (our son has had three knee surgeries) worth nearly $2000. Kelcey believes his name is engraved on the brace (KELCEY UBELL - Brandon Manitoba) The bag also contained a video camera (all the infant baby movies)as well as a digital camera and assorted recharger units for the camera equipment and for cell phones. I am not sure what the bag looks like though.

The only other stop they made before arriving to a family member in Saskatoon and discovering the bag missing was at a Shell in Regina (2020 Victoria Ave. East) and we have pursued that as well without any luck thus far.

My contact info is 1-866-745-4621 a Brandon Mb store -and my name is Sylvia Ubell.