Tuesday, September 19, 2006

JACK SEMPLE entertains in the Valley

A beautiful warm fall evening and a big moon shining over the Qu'Appelle Valley set the stage for a wonderful get-together at the old brick Ellisboro school last week.
The event was the retirement party for Arlene Cornish who owns the school and uses it as a summer place.
And the entertainment was absolutely fabulous. Arlene's daughter Tara and son-in-law Jack Semple headlined a program of super talented family members. Tara's flute playing and Jack's guitar playing are simply awesome, world class, and right here in our backyard. Jack called my wife Carla up to sing on a wonderful country song and he cut loose displaying his talent in a variety of styles.
The night was a lot of fun, the music was great, the venue was beautiful and Arlene the hostess was gracious. It doesn't get much better than that.

Take a moment and check out Jack Semple's website: http://www.jacksemple.com/main.html

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