Thursday, June 01, 2006

Road Scenes - Oh DEER

I traveled to Balcarres yesterday afternoon. And given that I am a scenic route kind of guy, I went through the Qu'Appelle valley. As I rounded a corner on the coulee road I was heading up I came face to face with a Mule deer doe. I grabbed my camera and got this shot as she sauntered up the hill.
On the way back, taking another scenic route, I saw a brilliant Bluebird about 50 yards north of the Ellisboro bridge.
I suppose that seeing these animals confirmed why I take the roads less traveled.


Saskboy said...

Great shot of that deer. I only managed to shoot a moving train today.

Wolseley Online said...

Thanks Saskboy! I plan to make "Road Scenes" a regular feature on this blog.
After all, I DID win the Brad Farquahar, guess the Motherwell contest! And for that I have the honour of being right : ).