Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We'll be back

We will be back online.

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Anonymous said...

Is the water still flowing over the spillway?

Anonymous said...

hope you are ok there ! missing your blog ....

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting impatiently!!

Anonymous said...

still waiting for something new ! has Wolseley shut down ?

Anonymous said...

well it is december 7th 2007 as i write this little note ! still checking in on you and still waiting for something new ! sure hope that you will be back soon with new Wolseley reports for your internet fans......although we understand you must be busy with your young family which of course must be a priority ! have a great Christmas !

Anonymous said...

well it is May 15th 2008 now ! I am still checking in to see if anything has been reported ! Still hope all is well there out in Saskatchewan !

Anonymous said...

...still checking in ! sept. 2008 ...

Anonymous said...

merry christmas to all !!!! december 2008 ....