Sunday, July 09, 2006

Graham Taylor's FUNERAL lunch

Friends and family gathered at the Taylor farm north of Wolseley to celebrate what Dad had billed as his funeral lunch.

In actual fact, it was his 70th birthday party. As Master of Ceremonies I had the pleasure of giving some of my perspective on Dad's 70 years and introduce others integral in Dad's life. His sister Jeanette Bohonos and sister-in-law Marie Taylor shared stories about Dad. Katherine, although ill, rallied enough to talk about Dad and tell a funny joke. And Mum spoke poignantly about Dad.

Family and friends like Max Graham and Ileen Brennen traveled from Winnipeg. Diane Munro and Dale Taylor were in from Calgary. Ken Christoffel and daughter Jenny from Regina and Grant Taylor from Kenosee.

The day was perfect, the friends were many, the extended family like was present and the funeral lunch/birthday party was...well unique.


Anonymous said...

I attended the party and you did an awesome job as MC. Not an easy job but you did remarkable. I was humoured by the "Funeral lunch" concept however in many ways it was interesting. All of the old timers seemed to like the menu (sandwiches and slices) and the idea of a living eulogy is probably something many people should adopt by passing out bouquets more frequently to the living!

Anonymous said...

I too thought the idea was wonderful. Made me think I ought to be saying more good things to people while they are living.

The food was good as well.

Anonymous said...

Graham you don't look a day over 42. Great to see you are still leading the way with innovation. Sounds like Rob did a great job as the MC. I still share the story when you power locked my door and would not let me out of the car to shoot the buck on your back forty.
Darrell in North Van