Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Wolseley Architecture = Visitors

The other day as I pulled out of my yard I saw a car stopped by the old Court house. I ran a quick errand and on the way home saw the car had moved to the Town Hall. I stopped to chat with the driver, a young fellow armed with an awesome looking camera. He told me he was from Manitoba and was traveling on his honeymoon. He said he had seen photos of Wolseley on the Internet and being interested in architecture, wanted to stop and take some photos while his wife walked the swinging bridge. I shared a little town history with him and suggested a few more gems he ought to check out. I enjoyed meeting the young fellow and trust he has a great little story about Wolseley when he gets back to Manitoba.


Anonymous said...

I too have noticed Wolseley on the internet. I have yet to stop in but look forward to doing so this summer.

Anonymous said...

I have been to Wolseley and it is a really nice place. Lots of old buildings and the trees in the summer are nice. Al in all, a good place to visit.