Monday, November 28, 2005

Let the Lights Shine

Christmas lights are being turned on all around Wosleley. Some of the displays are truly great, and all of them add beauty to the town at this time of year. The lights on the east side of the lake by the beach are especially pretty. I'm not certain whose idea it was to do light up those tress, but it was brilliant.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could expand that initiative to an entire "Lights Around the Lake" project.

Feedback? Email me at


Anonymous said...

Wow. The lights are really nice. I drove through the town last evening and was amazed at the work some folks have put into their displays.

Wolseley Online said...

Thanks for the comments on the lights. since this was posted even more have been turned on.
A really good view is from the hospital parking lot looking south toward Tim Taylor's great display.

Anonymous said...

Would be great to see them. It seems strange that you guys are preparing for the snow whilst we are cleaning out our pools ready for a gorgeous hot summer. We also enjoy the Christmas lights but they don't go up until sometime in December. It's funny to drive around looking at them with the air-conditioning blasting and walking around in shorts and flip flops. Make sure you take a photo of the #1 display in town.
Before I sign off.....who is anonymous? I know they are anonymous for that reason but gee it would be fun to know who it is........

Anonymous said...

oh i just realised that i come up as anonymous as well......sorry about that i'm new to this blogging thing. IT'S ME....SUSAN from Australia. I'm no longer anonymous and i'm busy leaving comments whilst you all sleep soundly. it's almost that time for me as well. hello to everyone from Down Under.