Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The SPILLWAY is Transformed

The spillway at the west end of Fairly Lake has been transformed. Since the 1970's the familiar concrete structure has had water roaring over it each spring. And while the water flows the spillway is impressive, but when it stops , well, it's just a big slab of eroding concrete.

Last week Keith Ennis and John Bonner went to work dumping truckloads of large stones on the concrete. The stones were placed to slow down erosion of the spillway but a secondary result is a more natural looking structure.
It will be interesting to see how the water looks this spring.


Rocky said...

The rocks remind me of my growing up years in Wolseley. Playing around the "old" spillway was interesting, many hours spent patching up skinned knees and elbows from falling on the rocks. I believe there is a picture of the "old" spillway in one of the history books. Anyway, brings back many memories.

Rocky Bishop

Wolseley Online said...

Indeed Rocky, my son Thomas spends hours digging around under the bridge catching minnows, little jack fish, crayfish and all manner of slimy creatures. The rocks are only going to make the adverntures better.
Hmmm, kind of reminds me of us when we were MUCH younger.