There's one in every crowd Saskboy, and if you are in a room and can't figure out who it is? Go look in a mirror Sask-boy-wonder. You seem like the type who writes on wash room walls similar stuff on washroom walls, I recognize your style & work. Boo-Boo
I figured that, Pubs has better taste. Must have been Snake, he was always writing things on your moms bathroom walls with his fancy big city felt pen and he had some interest in them there phallic broke back mtn pictures. Boo-Boo
Whoa! Best suet ever displayed!
I have some competition from the other day. It was the most incredible glow I've seen.
There's one in every crowd Saskboy, and if you are in a room and can't figure out who it is? Go look in a mirror Sask-boy-wonder. You seem like the type who writes on wash room walls similar stuff on washroom walls, I recognize your style & work.
Boo-Boo, Pubs says that Saskboy is not him. Saskboy does have an interesting blog however.
I figured that, Pubs has better taste. Must have been Snake, he was always writing things on your moms bathroom walls with his fancy big city felt pen and he had some interest in them there phallic broke back mtn pictures.
Anonymous Boo-Boo, I can't understand a sentence you've written so far. Did you mistake me for someone else?
Saskboy, He did indeed have you mistaken for someone else.
By-the-way, your sunset photo was great!
who is this young whipper snapper Sask Wonder boy I figured it was Snake? Must be a product of one of my wild weekends in Kennossee.
Ahh, I've heard tha Kenossee can have that effect.
I'm a youngin' from Yorkton. Bloggin' around the web in stubblejumper fashion.
Love the photo Bear. I so miss the beautiful prarie sunsets!!! I'm looking forward to spending a week at gramma and grampa's when I get home in Jan.
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