Monday, July 31, 2006

Stones of MOFFAT tour coming soon

My roots in Wolseley run deep. From south of Wolseley on the paternal Taylor, Ferguson/Graham side my ancestors settled the Moffat/Greenville areas in 1882. From north of Wolseley my maternal ancestor Samuel Jolly settled north of Ellisboro in the same year 1882.

But the south will be the focus during the Stones of Moffat tour in mid August. I took my son Thomas and my daughter Emma on the tour a couple of years ago and they LOVED it. The tour we attended began with a church service in the historic Moffat church. Then, Phyllis and Stanley Taylor guided us through the stone house route where their deep understanding of the area proved remarkable. After the tour, Kay Parley gave a talk in the Moffat hall and offered up unique insight to this wonderful community.

We also had time to tour the Moffat graveyard which was bittersweet as I have a brother, uncle, cousin, grandfather, grandmother and numerous other relatives laid to rest there.

For anyone interested in history or early prairie architecture the tour is a must see!

I'll be there and I hope you will be too.


Anonymous said...

We went on the tour last year. It was very interesting to see such amazing stone buildings that are steeped in history.

Anonymous said...

I am an amateur photo journalist from Regina. The Stones of Moffat tour is of great interest to me. How do I find out more about it & the contact person(s)? I presume the tour includes the historic old church which I assume was the united church & barn? (my specialty is places of worship).

Lorraine Brecht

Wolseley Online said...


Thanks for your interest in the tour. You ought to contact someboday at one of these numbers to let them know you are interested.

I believe they need to have numbers as soon as possible , so it's best to call right away.

Thanks, again!