Wolseley displayed it's friendliness in full force last night. At 5:30 my Mum was running errands when she met two young girls from Quebec who were looking for a restaurant in downtown Wolseley. Mum told them about the Canada Cafe, and in the course of the conversation she discovered they were also looking for a place to camp away from the highway. My Mum told them she was certain they could camp in our, (Carla and my) big yard. The girls said they may stop by, and headed off to eat at the Cafe.
Later, I was visiting with my sister Katherine on our veranda. Around the corner from the Home came those girls with Dwight and Madeline Dunn. Madeline was conversing in French, but one girls English was good (better than my French) so we chatted for a while on the street. The girls (Anne Marie and Claudia) told me they had decided to camp in our yard.
The girls experienced another act of friendliness while dining at the cafe. Apparently, Wolseley resident befriended them and offered to buy their dinner! And a little later, I was helping them choose a spot in my yard to pitch their tent. In no time, they got the tent set up. Then, at Dwight and Madeline's invitation, headed off on their bikes to the Dunn's for a shower.
This morning, my wife invited the girls into the house to freshen up. We had a coffee and shared a few stories with them before they hit the road.
Their goal for this evening was getting to Moose Jaw. The final destination is B.C. where they'll pick fruit for the summer. So if you are headed down the #1 highway and you see a couple of young girls on bikes, it just may be the newest friends of Wolseley, Anne Marie and Claudia!
I love prarie hospitality!
Thanks CJ. By-the-way, you (or any of the clan Dempsey) can camp in our yard anytime.
Cindy Dempsey, What you have said is the STONE COLD TRUTH!
As long as I draw breath the Dempsey clan have a place to lay their heads!
Yes Cindy, a soft bed, a comfortable pillow, a coffee and (at least)some toast in the morning. Who da thunk it eh!
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