Friday, May 12, 2006

Soccer KICKS off

The Wolseley Soccer club is fired up and kids are ripping around the school ground each Monday and Wednesday evening.
Organizer extraordinare Sandy Taylor tells me that over 65 kids

have signed up. If there are any other
kids that want to get involved she said they will make sure they get on a team. There are some awesome coaches like Larry Tittle, Bert Lyke and Jason Froese and many others who direct the mayhem.
Soccer is a great sport if you want your children to run and run and run and run some more. And it is so refreshing to see kids running, kicking and laughing rather than sitting slack-jawed in front of the T.V. or some computer game!


Anonymous said...

Are the teams mixed or do boys and girls play on seperate teams?

Wolseley Online said...

The teams are mixed. It seems to work OK.